Tecnici Greenetiks al lavoro


It all came about by chance, from a request for help from a customer who was struggling to meet his circle’s energy expenses.

From this experience, Greenetiks was born, with the purpose of making an improvement in the industry.


Roberto Alt, administrator of Greenetiks, became passionate about tennis 30 years ago.

After giving up volleyball, he began self-taught tennis along with his brother. With time and a lot of training he came to play as a semiprofessional.


This achievement motivated him to change his life, leaving his bank job to devote himself to teaching tennis.


More than a decade ago, the Feletto Umberto club where Alt taught was lacking someone who was dedicated to court maintenance.

There were two clay courts to take care of and no one to take care of them properly. So he was asked specifically to take action.


The first year, together with club members, he started with the breaking of the surface and quickly realized how much effort and work was behind the maintenance of the courts.

The second year he engineered to optimize time, resources and effort by getting noticed by neighboring clubs as well; who in turn turned to him for the care of their clay courts.

Thus Roberto Alt began to specialize in maintenance.


Thanks to these activities Greenetiks has more than fifteen years of experience in the sports industry despite being founded in 2016.

Somewhat later, maintenance services in the sports field were joined by the installation activities of the Press system and the energy poles.

As the amount of work and fields of activity increased, it was not possible to continue operating as a freelancer and so Area20 was born, later evolving into Greenetiks.


The first plant was built in Rodeano.

The club, having purchased a pressostatic balloon to cover the fields in the colder season, turned to Roberto Alt for installation.

After the balloon was transported and installed, doing the calculations with the electrician it was realized that the estimated consumption for maintaining the structure was €900 monthly.


The very high estimated figure for maintenance and the cost of dismantling the structure intimidated the client, not to mention the initial investment already incurred for the purchase of the balloon and materials.

In this situation there were two alternatives: go at a loss of more than 10 thousand euros by reselling the balloon or experiment with something new.


The insight came from a friend who was a mechanical expert while tuning a boiler.

The boiler pressure was too high, and in order to reduce it, the best solution was to install an inverter.

The idea of applying the same theory to regulate the structure internal pressure combined with the experience gained during the Friuli winters, in which the balloons are challenged by the weight of the snow, led to an excellent result.

Applying theory to practice made it possible to optimize resources and, above all, offer customers a very good return on investment.


As with maintenance activities, word has spread from circle to circle. Not only for balls covering tennis courts but also soccer and soccer fields.

The requests were not limited to the realities of Friuli Venezia Giulia but the first customers from Veneto also arrived.


Among the most effective and satisfying interventions among those Greenetiks operates certainly include:

        • The conversion of the courts. The concrete playing court is upgraded to a clay tennis court;
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        • Custom projects. Over the years, several ad hoc projects have been carried out for clients with special problems that are difficult to solve with products on the market;
        • The PRESS system. It has meant great savings in economic terms for customers, up to 95% savings in realities with very large facilities.


This year the company joined the Confindustria Udine family through the Let’s START UP project.

Roberto Alt has given speeches in national UISP tennis refresher courses.

And Greenetiks was also mentioned in the November issue of Up! Economy, attached to the Messaggero Veneto. The article regarding the Green Economy is still available online at the Pordenone-Udine Chamber of Commerce website.


In addition to growing as an influential company in the field of clay tennis court maintenance, Greenetiks collaborates with other companies to offer clients the best services and opportunities. Among the most interesting collaborations:

        • Pankeros S.r.l. a company operating mainly in the province of Mantua supplier of boilers;
        • Tennis Led Point of Turin that supplies materials for magnetic induction lighting systems;
        • F.B.C. Maniago Italy a reality of artisan manufacturers of agricultural machinery with which the Arcut 2.0 was made;
        • LKW S.r.l. a partner in theEmpower project that deals with energy auctions;
        • The blog Tennismyself by Massimiliano Saggia, with which informative content on Greenetiks’ products and activities has been produced.


Greenetiks was founded with the aim of integrating energy conservation and technological innovation for the world of sports and industry. All this by seeking the best solution for the customer.

And that is why for the future the intentions are to:

        • Expanding services to industries. From lighting to ventilation systems, etc.
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        • Consolidating maintenance services. Specializing in the maintenance of pressure balloon sheets: cleaning, repair, revitalization;
        • Making the electric motor roller available in the market.

But the main goal is to strengthen the internal IT system to become more and more flexible and quick in responding to the customer, to be able to guarantee them more and more services while maintaining high quality.